
Shoelaces have to take a lot of wear and tear. Every time we set foot in our shoes, our shoelaces have to lash the footwear to our feet. Eventually, the shoelaces will wear from use. They begin their breakdown at the aglet, the plastic tip.

Once the aglet goes, the entire shoelace unravels and it can be impossible to thread the lace back through the eyelets. Shoelaces will bunch or prove too wispy and disconnected to loop through without some degree of frustration. When that happens, you’re probably going to need to get new shoelaces.

There is a simple way to repair your aglets. You’ll extend the life of your shoelaces. Extending the life of your shoelaces is green because it keeps old shoelaces out of the landfill and decreases material needed for new shoelaces.

I found this tip on Ian’s Shoelace Site. I reckon that this site is the most comprehensive guide to shoelaces anywhere. Way to go, Ian. Here is how Ian repairs his shoelaces with a heat shrinking tube.

A heat shrinking tube is used to insulate electrical joints. You can pick them up for very little at any hardware store. Find a tube diameter that will fit your lace. Ian uses 4 to 5 mm. Cut the tube to your desired length. Ian recommends ½ inch.

Fit the tube over the end of the shoelace. You’ll need heat to shrink the heat shrinking tube. ( I love names that are completely accurate and properly descriptive.) A hair dryer will work, but so will a flame as long as the flame doesn’t burn the tube or the lace. You can also wrap the lace and tube in tinfoil and shrink it over the stove.

For other ways to fix a shoelace, check out Ian’s list.


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